Tyrell Bay Marina Rates

Haul out and launch inclusive 6 Days Free Mono Hulls (inc Diver Service)

Vessels up to 49 feet $6.50 USD per foot/tons(whichever is greater)
Vessels from 50 to 54 feet $7.00 USD per foot/tons(whichever is greater)
Vessels from 55 to 59 feet $7.50.00 USD per foot/tons(whichever is greater)
Vessels from 60 to 64 feet $8.50 USD per foot/tons (whichever is greater)
Vessels from 65 to 80 feet $15.00 USD per foot/tons (whichever is greater)
Vessels from 81 to 100 feet $25.00 USD per foot/tons (whichever is greater)
Vessels over 100 feet $30.00 USD per foot/tons (whichever is greater)

Tyrell Bay Marina Rates

Haul out and launch inclusive 6 Days Free Multi Hulls (inc Diver Service)

Vessels up to 49 feet $6.50 USD per foot/tons(whichever is greater)
Vessels from 50 to 54 feet $7.00 USD per foot/tons(whichever is greater)
Vessels from 55 to 59 feet $7.50 USD per foot/tons(whichever is greater)
Vessels from 60 to 64 feet $8.50 USD per foot/tons(whichever is greater)
Vessels from 65 to 80 feet $15.00 USD per foot/tons(whichever is greater)
Vessels from 81 to 100 feet $25.00 USD per foot/tons(whichever is greater)
Vessels above 100 feet in length $30.00 USD per foot/tons (whichever is greater)

Chocking For Mono Hulls

Vessels up to 65 feet $30.00 USD for first 6 Days thereafter $1.00 USD per day
Vessels 66 feet to 80 feet $100.00 USD for first 6 Days thereafter $4.00 USD per day
Vessels from 81 to 100 feet $350.00 USD first 6 Days thereafter $15.00 USD per day
Vessels above 100 feet + 500 USD for first 6 Days thereafter $18.00 USD per day

Chocking for Multi Hulls

Vessels up to 65 feet $30.00 USD for first 6 Days thereafter $1.00 USD per day
Vessels 66 feet to 80 feet $100.00 USD for first 6 Days thereafter $4.00 USD per day
Vessels from 81 to 100 feet $350.00 USD first 6 Days thereafter $15.00 USD per day
Vessels above 100 feet + $500 USD for first 6 Days thereafter $18.00 USD per day

Pressure washing

$1.75 USD/foot Mono Hull
$2.00 USD/foot Pressure Wash + Light Scrape - Mono Hull
$2.75 USD/foot Pressure Wash + Heavy Scrape - Mono Hull
$2.50 USD/foot Multi Hull
$2.75 USD/foot Pressure Wash + Light Scrape - Multi Hull
$3.00 USD/foot Pressure Wash + Heavy Scrape - Multi Hull

Short term storage up to 90 days Dec - May

Mono Hull

Up to 69 feet $0.48 USD /foot/day.
Above 69 feet On request.

Short term storage up to 90 days June - Nov

Mono Hull

Up to 69 feet $0.60 USD /foot/day.
Above 69 feet On request.

Short term storage up to 90 days Dec - May

Multi Hulls

Up to 69 feet $0.60 USD /foot/day. Above 69 feet On request.

Short term storage up to 90 days June - Nov

Multi Hulls

Up to 69 feet $0.85 USD /foot/day. Above 69 feet On request.

Long term storage

Mono Hull & Multi Hulls

Mono hulls up to 69 feet $0.45 USD /foot/day over 90 days.
Multi hulls up to 69 feet $0.55 USD /foot/day over 90 days.
Mono Hulls above 65 feet On Request over 90 days.
Multi Hulls above 65 feet On Request over 90 days.

Hurricane strap down

$150.00usd for the first month & thereafter $100usd per month for all lengths of Vessel



$15.00 USD per level per week for scaffolding
$1.50 USD per day for a Ladder

Travel Lift

Vessel in sling on the Travel Lift $250.00 USD
Emergency Haul Out $250.00 USD per hour

Removing Mast/ Mast & Crane Services

Ask for our document "Mast removal guidelines"

Dinghy Storage - check rates for storage per ft per day

Boats Alongside

All Boats charged at $1.00 usd per foot per day


Normal Usage $8.00 USD per day.Heavy Usage (A/C, Welding...) @ $20 USD per day


$0.30 cents USD per gallon.

Machines To Rent

Man - Lift with Operator: $100USD /hour or part thereof.
Loader with Operator: $100USD/hour or part thereof. Crane with Operator & Watcher $150USD/hour or part thereof

Polishing/ Waxing

Crane with 1 Operator and 1 "Watcher" $150USD/hour or part thereof.
US $10.00 per ft for Monohull & Multihull per measurement.

Anti-fouling & Sanding services are available... Prices upon inspection

Overtime or Changes To Haul Out/Launch Dates

Less than 24hrs notice changes = 25% of Haul/Launch fee or $350USD whichever is greater

Make a Reservation

    Please Note:

    Filling out this form does not guarantee a reservation, however one of our representatives will be contacting you soon to verify your booking.






    LOA Measurement



    In fact, you tell us what you need and we’ll do our best to supply you with the best team for the job !
